FITS file "disk.fits.gz" contains a simulated image of a highly inclined (i=75 deg) relativistic accretion disk which extends between 6 and 30 R_g from the central non-rotating supermassive black hole and emits in the X-ray band according to the power law with emissivity index q = -2.5. Use the provided Python script to simulate the influence of a point-like microlens with projected Einstein radius R_E = 5 R_g on the observed profile of the Fe Kalpha line emitted from the disk. Assume that microlens crosses over the disk along x-axis, from its receding side (x > 0) towards its approaching side (x < 0), and perform the simulations for the following 5 microlens positions: x = 25, 10, 0, -10, -25 R_g. Discuss the resulting deformations of the line profile and their dependence on the microlens position.